Monitor your PostgreSQL performance with OpenTelemetry and OpenObserve

Monitor your PostgreSQL performance with OpenTelemetry and OpenObserve

Database monitoring is critical as it impacts the performance of the application, website, etc., which is serving it. It also helps us find the nuances and in-depth information about the processes happening so we can optimize and fine-tune it.

In this blog, we will see how, by using OpenTelemetry and OpenObserve, we can easily monitor the Database without having to set up a separate tool for logs, metrics, and traces (thanks to OpenTelemetry). In case you are wondering, what are OpenTelemetry and OpenObserve?

OpenTelemetry is a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data like metrics, logs, and traces. To make it simpler: In general, when we have to get metrics, we use Prometheus, Elasticsearch for logs, Jaeger for traces, etc. So, OpenTelemetry has streamlined this process by providing a single set of APIs that can handle all these tasks.

Now, what will we do with all of the telemetry data we collected if we can't analyze them? This is where OpenObserve comes into the picture. I can say it's Grafana on steroids. It provides a user-friendly UI (unlike Grafana) supporting SQL as its primary query language. Additionally, we support PromQL for querying metrics data, extending its versatility. One of the great features of OpenObserve is its built-in alerting mechanism, so you don't have to set it up yourself! Also, OpenObserve significantly lowers storage costs—reducing them to about 140 times less than Elasticsearch.


  • Some experience with Postgres

  • Worked with OpenTelemetry before

  • OpenObserve Account

Getting Started

For this demo, we will perform all the tasks in an Ubuntu environment. You can also do these in a Windows environment.

To get started, make sure you have the Postgres server running and accessible to connect. We are running Postgres on the same Ubuntu machine, so it is reachable at localhost:5432. We will first create a user myuser and set a password as mypassword in the Postgres DB. You can set whatever you like. Make sure you remember them because we need them in the upcoming steps. To create that, we can enter into the Postgres shell and execute:


That was all about the changes in the DB.

Now let's install the Otel Collector. Here is an important point to NOTE: the default Otel Collector doesn't have all the receivers, including the Postgres one we are going to use to collect data from the DB. It has support for receivers like Kafka, Prometheus, Jaeger, etc. So, instead of using opentelemetry-collector, we are going to use opentelemetry-collector-contrib.

Run the command below to install the opentelemetry-collector-contrib for Debian. Make sure you check that you are using the latest version.

sudo dpkg -i otelcol-contrib_0.106.1_linux_amd64.deb

After doing that, we can check the status of the Otel Collector (from now on, we will use the short form for opentelemetry-collector / opentelemetry-collector-contrib) by executing the command below:

sudo systemctl status otelcol-contrib

You will get an output similar to the screenshot below:

terminal screenshot

Now, the above logs are for the default configuration, which can be found in /etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml.

Image description

We have to change the default configuration accordingly so that we can export all the data to OpenObserve to analyze it. We will use the configuration below. Let's break it down and understand it:

    endpoint: localhost:5432
    transport: tcp
    username: myuser
    password: mypassword
      - postgres
      max_idle_time: 10m
      max_lifetime: 0
      max_idle: 2
      max_open: 5

    check_interval: 1s
    limit_percentage: 75
    spike_limit_percentage: 15
    send_batch_size: 10000
    timeout: 10s

      Authorization: Basic cHJh************************UzgxQjNlMDQ=
      stream-name: default

      receivers: [postgresql]
      processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
      exporters: [otlphttp/openobserve]

If you have worked with OpenTelemetry before, you know in general that you will have four sections in every configuration file—Receivers, Processors, Exporters, and Connectors—and then enable it using the pipelines within the Service section.

Under the receivers section, we are using postgresql. There can be other receivers too. Make sure you change the endpoint, username, and password accordingly to the ones you created. In the databases section, I am using the default one that comes with it—postgres. If you have something different or multiple databases, list them. Also, we are hardcoding the credentials, but you can use the security measures you prefer to access them.

The processors section is pretty simple. Its role is to take the data collected by receivers and then modify, transform, and process the data according to the rules or settings defined before sending it to the exporters. Data processing happens according to the rules or settings defined for each processor:

    endpoint: localhost:5432
    transport: tcp
    username: myuser
    password: mypassword
      - postgres
      max_idle_time: 10m
      max_lifetime: 0
      max_idle: 2
      max_open: 5

    check_interval: 1s
    limit_percentage: 75
    spike_limit_percentage: 15
    send_batch_size: 10000
    timeout: 10s

Under the exporters section, we are going to use the otlphttp/openobserve exporter. This will send all the telemetry data to OpenObserve. To get the endpoint and the token, head over to OpenObserve. Once you log in and your dashboard is open, click on the Ingestion button from the sidebar and click on Traces (OpenTelemetry).

Image description

The service section is pretty standard: it concludes which components are enabled in the Collector based on the configuration found in the receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions sections. If a component is configured but not defined within the service section, then it’s not enabled.

      Authorization: Basic cHJh************************UzgxQjNlMDQ=
      stream-name: default

      receivers: [postgresql]
      processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
      exporters: [otlphttp/openobserve]

After you save the above configuration, you need to restart the collector to apply those changes, as it will still be running on the old configuration. To restart, execute the command below:

sudo systemctl restart otelcol-contrib

You can again execute the status command to check if the collector is working as expected and doesn't throw any errors:

sudo systemctl status otelcol-contrib

Now we are done with all the technical setup, and we can head over to the OpenObserve Dashboard to monitor the collected data by creating the dashboard. Once you are on the dashboard, click on the Streams button from the right sidebar. If everything is set up and running, you will get all your streams of collected data on the screen. If you don't see it, click the Refresh Stats button. In case you have multiple ingestions, you can search for postgres from the search bar.

Image description

To set up a Dashboard, click on the dashboard button just below the Streams button, then click on "New Dashboard" and give it a name and description.

Image description

After this, a new window will open up. Click on Add Panel and this page will open. Now you can add a variety of panels to your dashboard depending on the type of data (in the stream we have) and the way you want to plot them.

Image description

This is what my dashboard looks like now after I have added some panels.

Image description

There is a lot more you can do with the dashboard. Check out this video on how to create great OpenObserve dashboards.

That’s about it for this blog. I hope you learned how to monitor your PostgreSQL performance with OpenTelemetry and OpenObserve. Thanks for reading!


If you encounter any error logs in the Otel Collector, make sure you cross-check the YAML config for the collector and verify that the collector can properly authenticate with the PostgreSQL database. You can check that by reviewing the PostgreSQL logs.

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